Places and cities at longitude -25
Here you can find places on longitude -25. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -25, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -25.
List places at longitude -25
A total of 23 places were found at longitude -25.
Clicking on the longitude -25 place will give you more information.
37.71790857 -25.39555498 (Lon: -25.395402 | Lat: 37.717943)37.750087196039956, -25.705856653204616 (Lon: -25.705867 | Lat: 37.750015)37.769262 -25.260606 (Lon: -25.261543 | Lat: 37.765512)alameda bom jesus, rabo de peixe (Lon: -25.587171 | Lat: 37.812323)azenha de baixo santa maria açores (Lon: -25.042275 | Lat: 36.975344)Azoren (Lon: -25.675594 | Lat: 37.741249)capelas, azores (Lon: -25.672663 | Lat: 37.828694)Cu de Judas, Ilha de (Lon: -25.178574 | Lat: 37.772832)Escola Secundária Antero de Quental, Ponta Delgada (Lon: -25.671834 | Lat: 37.740861)largo gaspar frutuoso, nº 7 (Lon: -25.519857 | Lat: 37.823216)Mosteiros azoren (Lon: -25.820756 | Lat: 37.890435)Pombas (Lon: -25.027117 | Lat: 17.152756)Ponta Delgada (Lon: -25.680587 | Lat: 37.742830)Povoação, Rua Infante Sagres Nº 15 (Lon: -25.246987 | Lat: 37.746846)R CAMINHO VELHO DO PICO DA PEDRA 102 ARMAZÉM 2.3/4/5/6, 9500-794, ROSTO DE CÃO (SÃO ROQUE), ILHA DE SÃO MIGUEL - PONTA DELGADA (Lon: -25.624682 | Lat: 37.771620)Ribeira Grande (Lon: -25.514814 | Lat: 37.821037)Rua da Igreja, nº 18, Água d´Alto (Lon: -25.454068 | Lat: 37.720006)rua espirito santo nº75 9500465 faja de baixo ponta delgada (Lon: -25.652035 | Lat: 37.753683)Rua Infante D. Henrique,32, Ribeira Grande (Lon: -25.524759 | Lat: 37.821487)São Miguel (Lon: -25.497047 | Lat: 37.780411)Scoresbysund (Lon: -25.000000 | Lat: 70.500000)Sete Cuidades (Lon: -25.794499 | Lat: 37.858949)Travessa José Moniz, 16, 9560-138, Lagoa (Lon: -25.530739 | Lat: 37.744012)