Places and cities at longitude -22

Here you can find places on longitude -22. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -22, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -22.

Map of places at longitude -22

List places at longitude -22

A total of 12 places were found at longitude -22.
Clicking on the longitude -22 place will give you more information.

Curral Velho, Boa Vista, Kap Verde · (Lon: -22.789697 | Lat: 15.987494)aéroport international Amílcar-Cabral (Lon: -22.943976 | Lat: 16.734579)airport keflavik (Lon: -22.623804 | Lat: 63.996276)alchi inde (Lon: -22.256995 | Lat: 16.946995)Beila (Lon: -22.893611 | Lat: 66.463333)Bergas (Lon: -22.550541 | Lat: 63.979212)blue lagoon iceland (Lon: -22.449509 | Lat: 63.880391)Boa vista Kap verde (Lon: -22.805192 | Lat: 16.097904)Dunholm (Lon: -22.644114 | Lat: 69.917078)reykjanes (Lon: -22.364967 | Lat: 63.915480)Sal, kap verden (Lon: -22.929711 | Lat: 16.726615)vogar (Lon: -22.366667 | Lat: 63.966667)