Places and cities at longitude -143

Here you can find places on longitude -143. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -143, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -143.

Map of places at longitude -143

List places at longitude -143

A total of 6 places were found at longitude -143.
Clicking on the longitude -143 place will give you more information.

Anuanurunga (Lon: -143.286555 | Lat: -20.615232)Billy Lake (Lon: -143.8895355 | Lat: 61.4524599)Chalkyitsik (Lon: -143.7222222 | Lat: 66.6544444)Kaktovik (Lon: -143.6238889 | Lat: 70.1319444)Louise Lake (Lon: -143.0062665 | Lat: 61.2040076)Tanacross (Lon: -143.3463889 | Lat: 63.3852778)