Places and cities at latitude -41

Here you can find places on latitude -41. Below you will find all locations on the latitude -41, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at latitude -41.

Map of places at latitude -41

List places at latitude -41

A total of 73 places were found at latitude -41.
Clicking on the latitude -41 place will give you more information.

111 MENAIRE ROAD (Lon: 145.908775 | Lat: -41.119013)15 John seddon drive porirua new zealand (Lon: 174.833136 | Lat: -41.136503)7 willis grove wainuiomata lower hutt new zealand (Lon: 174.967685 | Lat: -41.276829)8 Bunny St, Pipitea, Wellington 6011, New Zealand (Lon: 174.780133 | Lat: -41.279706)Altimarloch (Lon: 173.866781 | Lat: -41.733415)Atiamuri Bridge (Lon: 174.980589 | Lat: -41.150828)Awapiriti Road, Murchison (Lon: 172.229340 | Lat: -41.805398)Bariloche (Lon: -71.3102778 | Lat: -41.1334722)Bariloche Airport argentina (Lon: -71.161577 | Lat: -41.145966)Be Cooper (Lon: 173.177781 | Lat: -41.346267)Blenheim (Lon: 173.9612498 | Lat: -41.5134425)Blessington Upper (Lon: 147.570603 | Lat: -41.471044)bowen qld (Lon: 148.710938 | Lat: -41.112469)cabanas pinguinland (Lon: -74.028640 | Lat: -41.928954)Carterton (Lon: 175.5235181 | Lat: -41.0291733)Chance Bay (Lon: 173.8221101 | Lat: -41.144302)Denniston (Lon: 171.7948905 | Lat: -41.7383624)Devonport (Lon: 146.3609534 | Lat: -41.1783532)Dove Lake (Lon: 145.9618157 | Lat: -41.6598192)Fenyan (Lon: 172.250000 | Lat: -41.233333)higgs track tasmania (Lon: 146.459532 | Lat: -41.671823)Inangahua (Lon: 171.952600 | Lat: -41.856650)Johnsonvill (Lon: 174.805416 | Lat: -41.222619)Johnsonville (Lon: 174.8054161 | Lat: -41.2226192)Kokotau (Lon: 175.563024 | Lat: -41.077621)Launceston (Lon: 147.1124679 | Lat: -41.4261807)Launcestown (Lon: 147.1124679 | Lat: -41.4261807)Llanquihue (Lon: -73.007841 | Lat: -41.260631)loongana (Lon: 145.962928 | Lat: -41.410861)Lower Hutt (Lon: 174.9080557 | Lat: -41.2091655)Lower Hutt City (Lon: 174.908056 | Lat: -41.209165)Mana,Neuseeland (Lon: 174.781162 | Lat: -41.090096)Marlbro (Lon: 173.421661 | Lat: -41.572690)Mokihinui (Lon: 171.935515 | Lat: -41.526621)Mowbray (Lon: 147.130225 | Lat: -41.401466)Muarahau (Lon: 173.008896 | Lat: -41.007793)Mungaroa (Lon: 175.439444 | Lat: -41.554167)Nelson (Lon: 173.2839653 | Lat: -41.2706319)Newlands (Lon: 174.8233078 | Lat: -41.2236672)Ngahauranga (Lon: 174.811628 | Lat: -41.248568)Ngakawhau (Lon: 171.875538 | Lat: -41.607602)Nikorokoro (Lon: 174.870329 | Lat: -41.219859)Ñorquincó (Lon: -70.902063 | Lat: -41.851296)Omiku (Lon: 173.606571 | Lat: -41.526846)Parenga (Lon: 174.949253 | Lat: -41.284684)Patagonien (Lon: -68.906269 | Lat: -41.810147)Patersonia (Lon: 147.3061451 | Lat: -41.3345899)Pegema (Lon: 147.183666 | Lat: -41.469653)Picton (Lon: 174.0010044 | Lat: -41.2905926)Pilcaniyeu (Lon: -70.7221859 | Lat: -41.1233993)port huon tasmania (Lon: 146.628490 | Lat: -41.365042)Puerto Clocker Chile (Lon: -72.631416 | Lat: -41.023132)Puerto Montt (Lon: -72.941136 | Lat: -41.468917)Spay 7270 (Lon: 146.753087 | Lat: -41.195816)Sunny grove wainuiomata (Lon: 174.968733 | Lat: -41.279043)Tasman (Lon: 172.734714 | Lat: -41.212212)Tasmania (Lon: 146.628490 | Lat: -41.365042)Tuamarino (Lon: 173.933333 | Lat: -41.433333)Ulverstone (Lon: 146.172076 | Lat: -41.157391)Veinticuatro de Mayo (Lon: -72.922778 | Lat: -41.463487)Wangamoa (Lon: 173.516667 | Lat: -41.116667)Welhington (Lon: 174.776236 | Lat: -41.286460)Welington (Lon: 174.776236 | Lat: -41.286460)Wellington (Lon: 174.776236 | Lat: -41.2864603)Wellington Mills (Lon: 174.765833 | Lat: -41.312715)wellington te papa tongarewa (Lon: 174.782089 | Lat: -41.290456)Wellington West (Lon: 174.776236 | Lat: -41.286460)Wellington, Kelburnterrasse (Lon: 174.767242 | Lat: -41.292308)Wellington, Neuseeland (Lon: 174.776236 | Lat: -41.286460)wellinton (Lon: 174.773146 | Lat: -41.276878)Westey Vale (Lon: 146.4557718 | Lat: -41.1904342)Westport Neuseeland (Lon: 171.604214 | Lat: -41.750738)William Hope (Lon: 173.195104 | Lat: -41.342977)